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MEDABOTS [1999-2000] [ANIME] [1-52/52] COMPLETE

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MEDABOTS [1999-2000] [ANIME] [1-52/52] COMPLETE Empty MEDABOTS [1999-2000] [ANIME] [1-52/52] COMPLETE

Post  Admin Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:04 am

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The series centers around Medabots, artificially intelligent robots, whose purpose is to serve humans. Later in the series, Medabots are found to be actually thousands of years old; remnants of an ancient civilization who called themselves Medalorians. The Medalorians were obsessed with war, and to become more effective warriors they fastened metal armor to themselves. However, their wars decimated the civilization, and the survivors coded their memories onto hexagonial pieces of metal. These, "Medals", cloned and mass produced by the Medabot Corporation (a corporation founded by Dr. Aki), are the Medabot equivalent of a brain and soul. The original medals, referred to as "rare" medals, are kept in storage because of the extreme power they have.

The series begins with a ten year old boy named Ikki Tenyrio, who wants to become a champion of the World Robattle Tournament. However, Ikki is unable to afford a Medabot, and his parents refuse to buy him one. However, he manages to get enough money to buy an outdated model, and, with a bit of luck, he finds a medal in a river. Ikki quickly inserts it into the Medabot he purchased named Metabee. The only problem is that the Medal he found gives Metabee a severe attitude problem (a problem rarely seen in a Medabot), which leads Ikki to think he is defective. However, this theory is proven wrong later in the series, as it is revealed that Metabee actually has a "rare" medal.......

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